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Holiday Gift Guide: Your Favorite Pup

Holiday Gift Guide: Your Favorite Pup

Is it weird that during the holidays, before I think about the humans in my life (except baby), I think about all of the four-legged fluffy angels I need to get gifts for? Not weird, right? Didn’t think so.

These fluff balls are what have kept us sane through the craziness of the last couple of years, so they deserve the best of the best.

On my search for the perfect canine gift, I came across Women’s Bean Project and noticed they had gift boxes for dogs. The box is filled with high-quality snacks and a tennis ball to play fetch with. Pretzel was loving it and living her best life.

The treats are all natural, vegan, and gluten, corn, and soy free. They are actually made with only a few healthy ingredients like oats, flax seed, and apple, almond meal, molasses, and shredded coconut, depending on the treat flavor. Pretzel’s favorite was the Apple & Toasted Almond treats, but let’s be real, she wasn’t very picky. The other 2 bags of treats were filled with Banana and Toasted Coconut and Peanut Butter & Molasses treats. Yum.

Women’s Bean Project isn’t your run of the mill gift box brand. It is a non-profit organization making a difference every single day. Based in Colorado, WBP changes women’s lives by providing stepping-stones to self-sufficiency. They provide jobs for women who are chronically unemployed and actually teach them the work, rather than standing back and hoping they succeed.

Aside from being their own non-profit, Women’s Bean Project has partnered with Wagster, a dog-treat company who has teamed up with Homeward Bound of Marin, an organization who helps homeless and low-income individuals gain employment skills for a stable future.

Women’s Bean Project also has gift boxes for your favorite humans, too. It’s kind of a one-stop shop for your faves, all while helping the world be a much better place.

Because I love WBP and what they stand for, and because Pretzel loves her new treats so much, Beauty Inside Us is giving away a new Dog Treat Gift Box for the holidays! Head over to my Instagram page for all of the details.

“The seeds of hope in one woman weave threads of success that expand to families and communities with a reach that touches individuals worldwide.”

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